Information for the Bride and Groom

The following information outlines some of the more important details which you will need to consider in the course of making your wedding arrangements, should you wish to get married at St. Peter’s.

Please note that we are not taking any bookings for March 2025 – October 2025 as we carry out our renovation project.

Before the Wedding


Meeting with the Vicar
When you make a booking, you need to also arrange to meet the Vicar as soon as is convenient. At this meeting all the specifics of the Wedding Service will be discussed with you. You will also be informed of the date and time for two evenings of Wedding Preparation and the date and time of your Wedding Rehearsal.


Wedding Preparation Sessions

Pre-marriage sessions may be arranged with the Vicar, each of these lasts 1½ hours. Here we discuss informally some of the basic, important areas you will be facing in married life. While these sessions are not compulsory they do provide a great opportunity for couples to spend quality time together reflecting on married life and they give the Vicar a chance to get to know you better.


Marriage Licence

The wedding couple is responsible for procuring a Marriage Licence. The application form can be downloaded from the Government website. Go to and select Marriages, where you can choose the applicable form for Notice of Intended Marriage. It is preferred that the Marriage Licence be delivered to the Vicar as soon as possible after it has been obtained.

Hiring the Church



The preferred day and time for a wedding at St Peter’s is on a Saturday afternoon from 2.30pm. We also would prefer that weddings are not arranged for Fridays or Wednesday mornings.

Please get in contact with the office to check availability.


Seating Numbers

St Peter’s Church comfortably accommodates 250 people.


The Rehearsal

Normally a wedding rehearsal will be arranged for the day before the wedding day. As many of the Bridal Party as possible should be present.


The Hall and Robertson Lounge

The hall can be hired for light refreshments after the wedding. This is generally done by couples who wish to offer hospitality to friends who will not be attending the formal wedding reception.

Music / Organ



St Peter’s has an excellent pipe organ and we have professional organists in the parish who are available to play at your wedding. Their services include playing music as the guests are arriving before the wedding commences, playing as the bride arrives and as the wedding party leaves and if required, for any special items and hymns you may have chosen during the ceremony. The Organist’s fee is approximately $250.


Sound System

The church also has a sound system which can accommodate recorded music on an AUX device. All matters regarding your choice of music and hymns need to be discussed with the Vicar and must be in keeping with the nature and dignity of the service.




The flowers in the Church are arranged by one of our parishioners who has had many years experience in suitable and appropriate floral decoration. The cost varies depending on what is required. Please discuss your preferences for colours with the vicar.  At least two floral arrangements will be placed in the church for your wedding day. It is assumed that the flowers will remain in the church following the wedding for the wider congregation’s enjoyment at the Sunday services.


Confetti / Petals

Confetti is not permitted but natural flower petals and rice are all allowed provided they are not dispersed inside the church. We would prefer that the rice or petals are thrown when the Bridal couple have moved away from the immediate entrance area onto the lawn.

The Service


Order of Service

A copy of the order of service is available on request. However there is some latitude to make minor adjustments to the service with the agreement of the Vicar. The emphasis in the Marriage Service is on the nature of Christian Marriage and this is reflected in the wording of the Service .



A reading from a relevant section of the Bible on the nature of Christian love and marriage is normally part of the Marriage Service. You are free to choose your own reading from the Bible. The Vicar is happy to help you make your selection. A popular choice is the one from 1 Corinthians 13 which outlines the nature of Christian love in action. Other appropriate readings from secular sources are also permitted in addition to the Bible reading.


Blessing Services
From time to time people who are already married wish to re-affirm their wedding vows in church in the presence of God. We are happy to facilitate such a ceremony and will provide a wedding blessing certificate to mark the occasion. This service follows very closely the structure of a normal wedding service; however the vows are said in such a way as to acknowledge that they are being re-affirmed.


Other Denominations

The Vicar at St Peter’s is more than happy to marry couples from other denominations. Sometimes there is a request for couples to be married in the Church by their own Ministers or Pastors of other Christian denominations using their own orders of service. Regretfully, this is not permitted. However, the Vicar is happy to permit pastors from other denominations to pray for the couple or to do a Scriptural reading or to preach during the service.

Donation Fees


It is expected that couples who get married in St Peter’s Church will make a financial contribution both for the use of the Church and facilities, and for the considerable time and expertise given in all the preparation involved in making this an extra special day. A donation towards the Vicar’s time is suggested at $200. In addition, the expected contribution for the use of the church itself is $400. It is best if both amounts are handed to the Vicar at the time of handing over the Marriage Licence at least nine days prior to the wedding day.


Additional costs:

Organist: $250

Into the Future


Blessing Of A Home
There is something very special about the first home that a couple share as husband and wife. The Church recognises the importance of this and has a brief and appropriate service for the Blessing of a Home. Please feel free to ask the Vicar about this service.