Mothering Sunday – By Ralph Roberts and Jenifer Plummer

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Today we are honouring Mothers and Mothering

Having a Mother who celebrated her 107 th birthday a few years ago is something very special to my siblings and me.

Mother was always positive, she has always lived by her deep faith in the lord,

She made sure all her children stayed healthy and every day she reminded us to eat good food and not rubbish.

I guess she was the conductor of the family, she taught us life’s Principals, values, caring , honesty and most important of all love, she taught us all to be independent and to dream so that you could do anything whether you were male or better still in her words female as long as you set your mind to it. Never be afraid of hard work and tell your body what you expected it to do and your body will get ready for you.

I don’t recall the first time Mother held me or when I first heard her voice, but from the moment she held me in her strong arms, Mother made a selfless choice.

She adapted her busy life except for Tuesdays when she went to tennis rain or shine, so that my life could begin.

She was my shelter from the rain on her I knew I could depend.

She held my hand when I was afraid and helped me become more confident.

Bandaged my wounds, wiped away my tears and kept me from falling apart.

She loved me without question, no matter what I did, she shaped me into a confident adult from an awkward cheeky Takapuna Kid.

Even when she was not right beside me– I knew her love was matched by no other, I thank GOD each day for his Greatest gift to me by selecting Zella as my Mother.

In the latter years the role changed

I know our family was so fortunate that my mother still had her marbles at 107 young and can and did answer me back, but now the roles had reversed I had to make some of her decisions, now I know where I at times became so stubborn came from. At times I had to repeat to Mother what was going to happen and then she conveniently had a hearing problem and asked me to repeat myself.

Growing up in Takapuna was fabulous for all us kids because we had the whole of Takapuna as our playground, Takapuna Beach including the barbwire entanglement along the whole beach. The Bus Barn, where the central carpark is now Nicks Mill and on Sundays we had Sunday School and later Bible class at St Peters in Anzac Street. Mother was very firm with us and confident she had given us behavioral guidelines and it was up to us not to let her down.

When my children were young I was single parent so I know what it is to be both Mum and Dad. I modeled my Mothering skills on my Mothers advice.


THANK YOU PENNY — by Ralph Roberts

From Jenifer –

I am pleased to be able to share with you what I have learned from various sources, about Mothering Sunday.   Today, here we are on the 4th Sunday of Lent, 22 March, when mothers traditionally received presents from their children.  

In the USA and Canada another custom has grown there – Mother’s Day, the 2nd Sunday in May, and adherence is largely commercial.

As well, we do have the lovely example of

              Mary, the mother of Jesus, and the family life at Nazareth

              Motherland – a person’s native country

              Motherly – resembling a mother, especially in warmth and protection

              Mothership provides facilities and supplies to small vessels

              Mother Superior – head of a community of nuns

Mother tongue – the language first learnt as a child, or a language  from where another has evolved

My own experience is of a loving but firm mother, teaching us prayers,  nurturing my faith, encouraging my education and reading ability, and sharing our family life together. 

I remember my brother, adopted into our family.  My mother knew his birth mother and asked Brian if he would like to meet her.  “NO”, was the reply “you are my family”.  He sadly felt no connection.

I saw a cat licking her kittens after birth, and saw a TV nature programme when badgers were together.  Dad walked away at not having enough attention – grumpy.

Truly this day is remembered and indeed celebrated to experience tenderness toward each other.  How we endeavour to  feed our children –  both practically and spiritually – possibly beginning with breast feeding;  keeping them safe with hand holding and touching, with hugs and loving gestures.  May we celebrate all this kindness.

My God, bless this day to our use and ourselves to His service.