01 April 2018 – Easter Day
Rev’d Jonathan Gale What a surprise poor Mary Magdalene must have got. She arrives to anoint the body of her beloved Rabbi, and is confronted by an empty tomb and an angel who tells her he is risen and that … Continued
Rev’d Jonathan Gale What a surprise poor Mary Magdalene must have got. She arrives to anoint the body of her beloved Rabbi, and is confronted by an empty tomb and an angel who tells her he is risen and that … Continued
A CLENCHED FIST – Michelle Warren What is the point of anger? A harsh word here, a brawl over there, A fist clenched in readiness to fight back: Eye for an eye; tooth for a tooth. Justice! Anger can … Continued
Rev’d Jonathan Gale I am always full of ideas when it comes to communicating what I believe God wants me to share with my fellow parishioners, and may that sense of overflowing always be there! However as I sat down … Continued
Rev’d Jonathan Gale I love today’s readings This is a Psalm used in procession to worship at the temple. It’s about walking up the hill towards the temple mount. It’s about being part of the procession. The Psalm is subtitled, … Continued
Rev’d Jonathan Gale When Jesus was hanging on the cross, amongst those looking on were his mother Mary, his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. At least three Marys there. The name derives from the Hebrew … Continued