Answers to Prayer by Rev’d Jonathan Gale
Hosea 1: 2 – 10 Colossians 2: 6 – 15 Luke 11: 1 – 13 A woman stood up in church when the priest asked if anyone would like to share a recent answer to prayer, and thanked God profusely … Continued
Hosea 1: 2 – 10 Colossians 2: 6 – 15 Luke 11: 1 – 13 A woman stood up in church when the priest asked if anyone would like to share a recent answer to prayer, and thanked God profusely … Continued
Amos 8: 1 – 12 Colossians 1: 15 – 28 Luke 10: 38 – 42 Have you ever been struck by how a new-born baby just seems to know that if it is to survive it needs to find the … Continued
2 Kings 2: 1 – 2, 6 – 14 Galatians 5: 1, 13 – 25 Luke 9: 51 – 62 If ever there were evidence of how dislocated modern society is from God, it is the extent to which we … Continued
Isaiah 65: 1 – 9 Galatians 3: 23 – 29 Luke 8: 26 – 39 There’s that old joke that goes, “If you were tried in a court of law for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to … Continued
Sermon on John 16:12-15: The Spirit of Truth In this morning’s gospel reading, Jesus was preparing the disciples for his departure: • Jesus saw the cross that loomed on the horizon, but his disciples could see only the stars in … Continued