29 July 2018 – Hagar

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“You are the God who sees me,”

Hagar, from Genesis 16:13


Hagar is the first known slave in recorded history.  It is from her that Hagar International has taken its name.  But how is it, that in the 21st Century, there are more slaves in our world than at any other time in human history?


40 million people live in slavery today

71% are female and

25% are children


Hagar helps survivors of trafficking, slavery, and sexual abuse in their individual journey to wholeness. We do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to transform these lives impacted by deep trauma.  It can take a long time to heal from trauma, but when healing happens, the cycle of trafficking, slavery and abuse ends.

When Hagar receives a call about a woman who has been sold; or a boy who has been sexually abused; or a girl who has been married off when she should be at school, we feel compelled to help such injustice.

Hagar staff who respond to these calls know what to do.  Before long, each individual has a safe place to live, and is receiving medical care and trauma counselling.  Their journey to wholeness will also include legal support, the opportunity to get schooling, learn vocational skills, or even gain a university degree.  Ultimately, they are supported to secure a good job so they can live independently.

Because of our donors, Hagar’s work has helped transform the lives of more than 17,000 women, men and children to be free and healed from their trauma.  Together, we all work to prevent others from being enslaved in the first place.

“And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night?” Luke 18:7

You can help bring justice to the world.


Click HERE to read more.